Maybe it is a one day road trip or a two month long vacation. Let us tell you our travel tips and fun routes we have found to work. We want to help you have an unforgettable experience making it easier with knowledge we have gained over the years .
Travel is the best gift we can give our children. We want them to learn about the world by experiencing it. Creating everlasting memories.
Hey! We are the Hartwigs'. We have FIVE children. Four sons and a daughter, ages 13-4. We adopted our daughter from foster care and if you have questions about the adoption process ask us. We have traveled, with all of our children, to 46 states via road trips. We are missing Alaska, Nebraska, North Dakota and Hawaii. We have visited 11 countries. When we are not traveling with our family, we are photographing weddings throughout the country. We are based in South Florida. This is the first year we are homeschooling due to Covid-19. We believe in traveling as a way of educating our children about the world around us. We get asked constantly how we do it, so we have decided to give out our travel tips and routes we have taken.
It’s not what you see, but how you see it. We are driven by passion: passion for life, for people, for photography